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Thursday, January 31, 2008


Signing off,
1/31/2008 08:18:00 PM

Monday, January 21, 2008

Lemme continue my post, it is sooo cold here in new york lately, i'm freeeeeeeezing. I'm been thinking and planning my summer lately, i really hope i do well in for my regents this summer. I don't want to go for summer school >:o. I'm planning to get a summer job at a childcare to earn some money then after working, maybe in august, i'll go to singapore, but i'm still not sure. If i work after going to singapore, i wouldn't have any money to spend there. But if i work before i go to singapore, i'll have some money to spend :] What a great idea. ^.^

Signing off,
1/21/2008 05:04:00 PM

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Nothing much these few days, had a science yesterday which i didn't study for. I frigging failed my global, thanks to my DBQ. Stupid crackhead! I SCRATCHED MY IPOD!! GRR!!, gotta get the case asap to prevent scratches. I love my coach wallet<33 thanks *wink*. I'm so in love with books now, there're so interesting. I'm currently reading " the coldest winter ever ". You guys should read it, it's really sad. Sometimes i just wonder why do boys called girls bitches and sluts when they're the real assholes. When boys cheated on their girlfriends, people don't call the guys gigolos but when girls cheat on guys, people start calling them sluts and stuff. Why can't girls and guys be equal? I know i'm so random but that was in the books i read before this one. And for boys, why would you have a new girlfriend after you and your ex broke up but tells your ex that you still love her? First of all, if you "love" your ex, then you wouldn't have a new girl after a break up. Guys are full of bullshits and some girls are so stupid to fall for them. Many girls i know turned bi or les because they were hurt by guys a lot of times. People tend to judge gay people, but they just wouldn't think and put themselves in those people's shoes. All they do is to talk shit and spread stuff, okay, what if your kids in future turns gay?? Would you hit them and force them to like the opposite sex, making them miserable or by just respecting them and see them being happy? Most people will hit their kids if they find out they're bi, gay or les. Would you like it if your mom force you to do things that you don't like? I'm straight, i'm not talking about this because i'm bi or les, it's because i have gay, les and bi friends, and i understand how they feel and stuff. I admit that i used to be against gay and bi people. But just think, what if your kids are one of them. Would you spread it around and talk shit?? I'm done talking about this now. I bought caramel to the vet yesterday, he had his surgery today, his waist surgery, hope he can walk now :[ He's coming home tmr :] YAY!

Signing off,
1/08/2008 10:13:00 PM