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Tuesday, December 25, 2007


merry christmas! new york didn't snow today on christmas day :[ but anyways, i got presents <3. york ="\">.<>

Signing off,
12/25/2007 10:27:00 PM

Sunday, December 16, 2007

went to jersey today, newport mall, bought a cashmere scarf, skinny jeans from wet seal, bought a pair of air max sneakers for mom as a christmas present, i`m so broke now. :[ Money is never enough, i want a tree that grows money! Can't wait till this friday, then winter break till january 2nd? Yay, haven't been doing my homework this week :[ Gotta make up all the homeworks before winter break :]

Signing off,
12/16/2007 09:41:00 PM

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

lots of shit happened, don`t wanna talk about it. Good bye

Signing off,
12/12/2007 08:44:00 PM

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Finally, got back my report card :] two subjects improved, one went down. Stupid gym! :[ I`m not that happy with my grades, was hoping to get a 90 average :[. People say that studying here in new york is real easy, trust me, it`s not okay? If it`s easy, there wouldn`t be bums and drop outs in new york, everyone will be in college by now. there's tons of people who were left back here. So it proved to you guys that it`s tough okay? But it`s more relaxed than in Singapore, the teachers here don`t give you stress, they don`t yell at you and respect you. Singapore is good too but the stupid yells at students, that`s so disrespectful to us students, and we weren`t allowed to yell at the teachers or else we'll get suspended or canned? We don`t use violence in USA, we only suspend students, i can say that my teachers here are way better than the teachers in Singapore, i mean some of them? LOL, ahhhhhhhhh, it`s so cold here :[
More people are getting sick, flu and stuff. I got a cold sore under my tongue =\, can`t really eat. Hope it will go away soon. Here is a picture of my report card, "MP 1" means marking period one, which is over already, this is the marking period 2. enjoy.

Signing off,
12/06/2007 10:29:00 PM

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A lot of stuff happened today again, called mom during lunch and she said that my sister is admitted to the hospital, she had fainted in school. The doctor said that she skipped breakfast so it makes her weak. And one side of her heart grew bigger, =\ she had lost 6 pounds too. Hope she gets well soon. We get into a lot of fights but after all, she`s still my sister, i would be a bitch if i don`t care about her, it`s her turn to do the chores but i helped her to sweep the floor. She had 4 shots and some vitamins. =\ All three of us are weak, we were born like that =\, and nothing can change that. Hope my body can be stronger..

Signing off,
12/05/2007 10:33:00 PM

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Hey honey bunnies, it was snowing these past few days. It was COLD. when i say it`s cold, i mean REALLY cold, OD cold. Frigging below 0 degrees. Ahhhhhhh, 21 more days till christmas, yay! This week is soo slow, it`s tuesday, urghhh, gotta do stupid home work later, math and global tutoring tomorrow to get my credits. >= [. Seriously, school is driving me nuts. Mad stuff happened today, i hate my frigging class, mad racist people >= [. I don`t wanna be racist or anything but the "B" in my class is sooo frigging racist ~!#$%^&*()_+ they judge people by their appearance, stupid niggas, stop hating bitch, they only chill with their "b-ikes". Marbellis told me that one of them don`t like her, those bitches don`t like nobody except for their "group". Don`t fucking say that people stare at cha cuz if you don`t stare at people, nobody will stare at cha. Do not fuck with me, have a problem with me, fight me, don`t talk shit bitch. Urghh, have been working out recently on my bed, sit ups, crunches, push ups. Gotta be tough, i won`t let nobody touch me, things are not the same like before, i have to protect myself now as i`m alone. How i wish besties and other honey bunnies are here. Miss them so. =[

Signing off,
12/04/2007 07:31:00 PM

Sunday, December 02, 2007

IT WAS SNOWING TODAY XD. It`s beautiful and cold too :]. Can`t wait till i get my report card and christmas. I`m currently desperate for a job. I`m too broke, urghh! I`m left with $25. Grr, spent too much money these few months, from $400+ to $25. I want a frigging job. Gave in my working application but all i need is my social security card. Hope i can find a job soon.

Signing off,
12/02/2007 09:27:00 PM