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Friday, July 27, 2007

hey people!! here to update again after weeks?!? kinda bz these days,got braces 2 weeks ago.it doesnt hurt when u had them,it hurts a few hours later..wth? cant eat hard candy nd stuff!!! grr,irresisable food!! dammit. i miss u people tons :`[.. people ask me if i still have feelings for him,i cant lie.i said yes cuz we've been together for such long time,its impossible for me to forget him just in a blink of eye. i know feelings do fade when time flies,but at least a little feelings still remains. all good things come to an end,i hate that.life sometimes suck alot!! sigh,but theres nothing we can do about it.sigh.

Signing off,
7/27/2007 11:35:00 PM

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

its been months since i last update.many things happened recently.i dont wanna do that but y he just dont understand.his friends told him that im bad.but in what way im bad??wtf they just dont know me ok??everything happens for a reason nd u think i wanna do that??hell no ok??i loved him,i dont wanna be selfish making him wait for that long.i cant bear to see him waiting nd lonely so i did that.anyone understand??some people may think im bad but who cares,i did it because i live him too much..what did i get in return??NOTHING,only stabs on my fucking back.wtf??they say i will find another guy when i come here.if i wanna find one.i will find one soon just after i go to this school ok??fuck life man no understands

Signing off,
7/03/2007 02:04:00 PM