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Saturday, March 24, 2007

people im here to post again..last saturday went to eat japanese cuisine again.=>yeappies!!woohoos.i really grew fatter sighx..know what?today is my darlings birthday!!!happy birthday honey!!!i got back ym report card,thursday was meet the teachers..my mum went but i didnt hohos..got a average of 82!!3 more points to get to the honor roll..must work harder =)we went to a dance concert on thurday..it sucked!!i and a bunch of friends slept throughout the whole thingy (: and friday we went to a museum..it sicked too..its so damn boring its an art museum.what the hell all the art pieces look at **** sorry to say that but its true :\ yeapx

Signing off,
3/24/2007 03:49:00 PM

Sunday, March 18, 2007

hello people,im here to post again.last friday was the last day of the marking period,i think my math will fail.because i dont understand it now,its getting harder and harder for me.im so touched that chu guys still remember my birthday,especially my 7 besties!!so glad they posted their birthday wishes on our blog.too bad this year couldnt celebrate with chu guys.and i couldnt keep our very own scrape book =( sigh,never mind =] last wednesday morning when i was on my way to school on the phone with hubby,as i was about to reach school,i saw my friends,they rush to my direction and wished my happy birthday =) i got a real red rose from monica,a fake plushie flower from cristal,a big bunny rabbit from jazmin,a giant pink bear from dean,a card from xandra and hugs and kisses from the rest.so shocked that they gave me presents.i didnt know that i would receive present from them..THANKS!i really appreciate it lots.my mum got me a real gold anklet uncle ted bought me a giant mickey and a strawberry ice cream,mum aso got a armani exchange short jeans,but it doesnt fit so we go back to broadway to exchange...broadway is my favorite...shop shop and shop till you drop!!!these few days no appetite...didnt felt hungry the whole day..weirdo,yeap i almost forgot,i received 2 bracelet from gugu...soo pretty..^^loves!

Signing off,
3/18/2007 09:01:00 PM

Sunday, March 11, 2007

yesterday was my early birthday dinner,16 including me attend.the food was ok.got a present from maymay auntie and others all ang bao..altogether 400++ woos more then my CNY ang bao..hees..my present is a yellow mickey mouse underwear,a lil bear and a pajamas...haas..cutes..thanks...today went to broadway again to shop for next month's aunts son wedding.all dont have my size..too big for me...sobx

Signing off,
3/11/2007 10:44:00 PM

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

have put in a new thing under my links

Signing off,
3/07/2007 04:22:00 PM

Monday, March 05, 2007

i luv my laogong amos!!
luv him loads..

Signing off,
3/05/2007 01:57:00 PM

christina called me a toothpick today
jazmin said i was too boney

Signing off,
3/05/2007 01:56:00 PM

the stupid DSL still havent yet reached.the person say it would reach by today.hope so or else we will complain..arhgx waited so long..bored at home without internet!!!tmr's nicole's birthday,after school gonna get her something.next week's my birthday..guess no presents..hohos.yupx last wednesday we went to the cloisters.school trip...it was ok..it was a museam.some students from another class went with us..some people that i didnt talk to.while we were walking around the museam this asshole nigga came up touching christana and my hair..an sex maniac..his name's benny..when he touched christina,she yelled at him..''DONT TOUCH ME!'' lols..then she walk away..after that he asked me something i cant remember and i said he look retarded...lols....haas...we took some pictures...(= post it soon...so glad..nowadays keep talking on the pone with dear...hees...always on the pone with him...hohos....all msg all from him kakas luv him 1314

Signing off,
3/05/2007 01:43:00 PM