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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

few weeks never post ler..sorry cos waiting for DSL to arrive..hohos...last week i was sick the whole week...so unlucky and it was chinese new year!!!arghx but did manage to get my ang baos and go to the reaunion dinner...hohos...altogether got around 250+ lor...most people give $20...they gave two ang baos,each containing $10 lor...hahas...^_^had a week holiday last week...went to the doctor on wednesda i think..here see doctor and those medical stuff all free der including getting braces glasses...whoos so can save alot of money^^ went shop at east broadway when im sick.it was actually fun though...im retarded...meimei got me a couple mickey and minnie which cost $20..cheap but if change to sing dollars quite expensive for a pair of small stuff lor...then i bought a crown necklace then my small meimei bought me another crown necklace lor..the one i bought costs $20.the other one which my meimei buy is $15..then my er meimei bought a mickeymouse shoulder bag...wtf actually i wanted to buy,but she copy cat want buy then let her buy lor cos its see long liao not nice ler...some more i dont really trust the bag...its skin is so thin and its made from fuzhou i think...my mom said the people is cheating money cos its $20 for such ugly bag(she thinks its ugly) my puma bag was only $24 dollars lor...real puma not fake..its just a lil more expensive then the fake mickey mousy bag...nvm..not my business anyway...and yup i went to abercrombie & fitch on sunday with mom...go buy some clothes...woos...i bought 2 shirts...its actually 29.90 but discount 12.90..hohos...mom bought it for me...kakas...i'll probably wear it during summer...hees then i saw a bag i like...abercrombie der...39.90..i wanted it!!!!!!now still thinking whether or not to buy...cos i got 2 puma bag liao...i wanna collect bags..hohos...and i wanna get a dog on my birthday??still not sure (= birthdays coming guess this year v.lonely for sure..cos 7 besties not here with me...cant go out together ler....and cannot celebrate it with deardear...his birthday is just 10 days apart from me...march baby...my school got quite a number of people who was born in march...=) got a friend who had the same birthday day as me...nachelle....hohos...shes in my class turning 15 but im turning 16..hohos older liaox....yup i almost forgot...i went to jazmin's birthday on friday...actually i dont wanna go cos im still sick but cannot last minute say dont go....so i go lor...we went to brooklyn by her moms car...went rollerskating..we met at 11am...reach there at around 12+,leave the roller skating place at 4....it was so boring!!!!!i didnt skate cos i dont know how to...me,monica,crystal and amantha didnt skate...only the birthday girl skated...monica was sleeping on the floor man...hahas...the roller skating ring was full of people....and he music was so god damn loud...think they are daeaf or something..im the only chinese in the whole entire place...90% were niggas...others was spanish and puetorican....so boring...hope can go with 7 besties and deardear...it would be more fun...after skating we went to catch a movie...we watched 'bridge to perabethia' it was ok actually...the girl died in the end...sadistics...lols..reached home at bout 7+....bored...couldnt transfer photos from cam to lappy cos no DSL so lappy cannot use...now me and friend christina is at the nexcom...a place where we can use the coms...hopefully by this week the lappy can be use....hahas..tata~~

Signing off,
2/27/2007 03:13:00 PM

Sunday, February 11, 2007

bloggy!!!let me see..im trying to recall what i did in school this week...hmm we have drama..it was kinda fun...but v.awkward..every drama class first thing we have to do is warm exercise,stretch our arms..nxt arms to shoulders,arms,shoulders and back.then arms shoulders back and butt.arms shoulders back butt and knees..and lastly arms,shoulders,back,butt,knee and toes...thenafter that we played games...drama is all about having fun and acting..games that i never played before in my whole entire life.i dont know how to explain it but its real fun.it brought everyone closer..(= then after games..ms garfiew ask our class as we were making our drama class pinboards..asked who have the smelliest(always utter vulgarities) mouth in class the whole class said it was terisa..she admitted it was her..then ms garfiew asked who is the freakiest person,it was dejanique..and i was the nicest and the quietest person in class (: haas..on thursday we have to act..in front of the class of course...it was so awkward..acting without speaking.only face expressions and actions..ms garfiew gave us each a piece of small yellow paper with what we have to act..we cant let anyone see the piece of paper...first one was tatiana..everyone volunteered to act first..so sporting..when a person is acting,we have to write in our clipboard what we think they're acting about..i think i was the first few...lols..im a lousy actor...haas..but it was fun..hmm tomorrow im going for a chinese new year dinner with relatives...and wednesday im going on a school trip to erm cloister if im not wrong...it is the first time im on a school trip here...woos...this years valentines day i guess i have to celebrate it myself..

Signing off,
2/11/2007 01:50:00 PM

Saturday, February 03, 2007

thursday went back to school,have new time table..then after school go take back report card...guess what??this is the 1st time i get such freaking grades...here the average grade is 65%..if out grades are lesser then 65% then have to go to summer school..65% and above dont have to go..i thought i have to go for summer school leh...but dont have to...i got an average of 80%...so glad man...happi happi!!!!english 85 marks,maths 80,gym 70,global 75,art 85,ecology 80 woos...im so shock man...thought i would failed really badly cos im new...i tried my best...not to disappoint my mom n bestiies....yeahx...celebrate woos...uncle ted wanna get me a puppy...dono choose over rabbit or puppy...saw sharon's puppy's pics so cuteee...nw made me wanna have a dog too..lolx..christina keep tickelling me...lolx...so itchy manx then dejanique keep touching my hair...dotz haas..im trying to lose some weight and tone my body..woos

Signing off,
2/03/2007 09:38:00 PM

Thursday, February 01, 2007

the ear muffs i bought
kitty wanna sae hi


Signing off,
2/01/2007 10:02:00 PM