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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

the bytch jade i hate her!!!

Signing off,
1/30/2007 08:59:00 AM

christina montez my swit fre
wif lip piercin

Signing off,
1/30/2007 08:42:00 AM

Monday, January 29, 2007

dear bloggy,today was the last day of the regents.100% sure that i'm failing very badly.damn fucking hard siakx...haix die.really must put my heart in my studies,if not cannot go back s'pore lerx...last friday went to the dentist check up.the dentist praised me on my nice teeth..ding ding*l0lx he clean my teeth so painful man...it hurts so much,oh god...then the dentist ask me to put on braces if i want perfect teeth.l0lx i scared pain!!!i'm a wimp ok??timid little me..then thurday went pierce right ear..pierce 2 of them.l0l my left ear 3rd piercing close already coz it got infected so closed..wow it sting man getting it done.then mom's friend say coz as we grow older our skin and muscles get firmer and tigher so will hurt more then before.i want to get more piercings!!!yeahx...pierce my whole ear..woos.christina,got her left lip pierced.before that she got only the right side one..and she dyed her hair to her natural color brown.its nice.before she dyed it was brown at the roots and greyish with purply high light.its nice too.it looks cute and suits her...but she looks sweet in brown.=) though she looks bad,but in actual,fact shes not at all.people here looked bad but no,they don't...but i still prefer my friends over her 18+ hours plane trip away from NY.woos play hard study even harder..=)i miss my cousin...yeah we still contact woos and she still make fun of me..same old her.love her as much as i love my 7 besties... yup i almost forgot,i bought ear muffs!!!hello kitty ones.they're so cute!!!and most importanty WARM!!!from sanio it cost 10 dollar..cheap for such lovely cuties..should tke care pictures of them..loves woos

Signing off,
1/29/2007 11:20:00 PM

Sunday, January 21, 2007

its time to blog again..(x wth nxt tuesdaystart the regents week.sianx..i die ler,new comers also need to take it..faint liaox..im both sad and happy yesterday.i cried yesterday after i see hamham's pics...haish miss them terribly.sobbyx happy i that i called sharon...hees...talk for like an hour..called her at 12am+ after talking to her tried calling jojo,huishi,maine but then cannot get through,wth dono why lor...yesterday went to eat japanese cuisine.it totally sucks..its the worst japanese cuisine i've ever eaten.last week also eat japanese.its better then yesterdays.another thing that made e sad is that baobeii ci en told me that hamhams both die liao...they are my precious.sadx this made me cried again..haish

Signing off,
1/21/2007 11:48:00 AM

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Signing off,
1/14/2007 11:07:00 AM

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Signing off,
1/13/2007 02:53:00 PM

the photos inmy previous post is taken in december x'mas haas wtching rudolph the red nose rain deer haas...lolx..now only 1 week post 1 time only cos no time...always study lke crazy woos this week thurs go school gym after school from 4-5pm++...it was fun manx...wednesdae mummi n uncle ted bought me a new puma sling bag that i wanted!!woosh i love it but the problem is that it will get scratched v.easy der lorx...hmm wondering my 7 darlings and other doing fine mahx??and dear love you guys loads

Signing off,
1/13/2007 02:18:00 PM

smoochies so swit
rudolph kissing her swithart
the threatre in the house woosh

Signing off,
1/13/2007 01:51:00 PM

Sunday, January 07, 2007

haish!!!my gym test on muscles i oni got 25 out of 100!!!wth!!!dont know what test is it so damn hard ler got the bicep ticep stupid stuff and then ms rivera the gym teacher dont let us to retake lor...i dont like her!!!she v.bad der...once we play volleyball...actually my team win der lor but she say we lose wth everyone hates her!!!PULL YOUR EYEBROW RING ARH!!!SO OLD STILL GO PIERCE EYEBROW DISGUSTING..nowadays didnt go for lunch...went tutoring...have to work damn freaking hard cause 3 more weeks getting our report cards...if below average of 83 must go summer school i dont want!!!!!if go summer school i cant go back singapore ler...so must work hard...must bear with it lor 5 days a week only mah...mommy wants me to take chinese lessons on satudays at the new york chinese school...i dont want!!wtf not like i dont know chinese marh.,,some more must learn primary 4 derx..fark lor i dont want to study with little kids!!!!i dont mean to spirt out vulgarities but cant help it...in school everyone thinks im from china...oh god..of cos im not from that country lor...i went shopping with mommy and meimeis go mot street...we looking at the necklaces and bracelets then a china women go scold meimei...wtf scold what scold...thought we hao qi fu arh huh???dont know now why america more and more china people lerx...all no manners der!!![no offences]oh god im dont mean to say that but thats the truth...i miss them damn much manx...TIME!!!pass fast fast hao mahx??here in school always got hugged by people...its the tradition here...and then cheeks touch cheeks say mwark...haas...a staff called me steff at first..he thought my name is stephanie...lolx...i gonna lose weight!!!lose lose lose...yeahx...keep fit..after my birthday i can sign up for gym ler yeah!!!go gym with mommy...hees must after 16 then ca sign up derx...below cannot go der because they're afraid something will happen to you...woos...im gonna have a bunny soon...dont want to have a doggy anymore cos too troublesome...doggies always want to play...i want something to accompany me like hamham...but then i dont want hamster ler mah...i can get a chamelion,a snake or reptiles too...they sell it here..they also have ferrets but they smell...yucks...bunny bunny cutie pie

Signing off,
1/07/2007 05:56:00 PM

Monday, January 01, 2007

ytd midnite 1+ watched the american haunting..not tat scary der!!!1 hr 33 mins wan finish ler i fell asleep..mummi wanna c amityville horror so now i wan buy for her lor...now at home 1.34pm not long ago woke up...dono whr to go..!!!!sian arhx tmr start school liaox...i wan go broadway to get my shoes!!!dono when go...time pass so fast..the faster the better!!!i juz cant w8...7 besties!!!my darlin!!!love u guys!!!!

Signing off,
1/01/2007 01:07:00 PM