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Sunday, December 31, 2006

my puma schoolbag
my new nike sports shoe costing 90+
the two products tat cost a bomb

Signing off,
12/31/2006 10:08:00 PM

woosh...its been dono how long i've never blogged.lazy lorx...last friday didnt goto school.after breakfast got stomachache.stupid dono store serve poison ham & egg sandwich...missed the party at school...have to go c doctor bcuz of tiz...got injection!!!the doctor sae the injection wil sting a little but den afer injection i feel v.nauseous n wantin to throw up...lke wan faint lke tat...got a week holidae tiz tuesdae school reopen lerx sianx...still hve sum global hw i dono hw to do lehx..hmm rachel biao mei got the most x'mas present lehx..cus she's young bahx...i got a mickey mouse watch,3 sweaters,a digital cam[share wif meimeis der],2 pair of 14k ear rings for x'mas..uncle ted stil owe me my x'mas present..actualli he bought me a 30GB ipod derx...but den if i fail any of my subs it wil be confiscated until the nxt exam results...sobx...den mummi sae ipod no use...im stil considerin,mayb don1 lor...but bu she der worx...if don1 the ipod can refund bck cash...gt the receipt..meimei wan to buy me a bigbig mickey plushie but couldnt find 1...sobbyx..i noe wat i wan if i don1 the ipod lerx...a puma sling and a converse sneaker...^^hees watched eragon last last sunday,it was awesome!!at first tot the dragon was called eragon but it was the dragon rider's name...the dragon is a gal,saphira was her name..she grew so fast manx...so cute when she was just a baby...i wish i had a dragon too...took sum pics wif my pone buden muz buy the program den can transfer potos frm pone to com...^^ went broadwae shop shop,victoria secret bought 1 body wash and a body lotion altogether cost 50+..woos so expensive manx... i miss s'pore v.much manx n every1 thr...mwarkies...

Signing off,
12/31/2006 09:47:00 PM

christmas tree in the house!!

Signing off,
12/31/2006 09:14:00 PM

the house across
look at botak tree
tiz is butter alwaes outside near the pool
sae cheese

Signing off,
12/31/2006 12:15:00 PM

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Signing off,
12/30/2006 12:12:00 AM

this is dory i luv her loads!!
fifi the so call ms jealous
dory again,shes shy

fifi postin for a good photo

Signing off,
12/30/2006 12:01:00 AM

Friday, December 29, 2006

rachel biao mei
rachel and jessica[rachel's cousy]
rachel isnt she adorable??

Signing off,
12/29/2006 11:53:00 PM

Sunday, December 10, 2006

so long didnt post.have no time to do so.been finding a school the weeks back.i want a chinese school.there was 2.but both also cannot go cause 1 of it is for 17-21 years old.full of china students.the other 1 results must be over 90s...freak lorx..haish nvm lorx.i start studying already.my school is called the LoMA Lower Manhattan Arts Academy.my school is located at a building.inside the building have other 4 more schools.weird right???i am in the 3rd floor.just wrote my school name...5 different schools..the 5th floor is the 1 which is a chinese school the 90 marks 1...our cafeteria is loacated at the 5th floor.during lunch,we can either stay in school to have our lunch or have it outside school.40 minutes lunch.we start school at 8.40am sharp everyday 1st period is always advisory.my advisor is latrease.a staff or so call teacher.we dont have to call the advisor and counsellor by mrs or ms,we call by their names..i dont know how to explain advisory lorx.. the subjects here are a little different in s'pore.we have required art,english,ecology,reading(practical writing),global studies,math,gym coed and no more.we have compulsory after school lessons we can choose our selves.i chose tutoring which is 1 credit.sports is 2 credits,they are bowling and volleyball.i still dont know what MORE to choose..can choose as many as we can.maybe dance bah...i dont wanna choose so many.later no time to study..first day i went to schools on wednesday.i only study for 2hrs cause i went late lor.b4 that wanna transfer but cant.i was the only chinese in my class.there are 6 chinese in my school..there are around 30 pupils in my class.got blacks,v.few caucasion,more spanish.on my first day of school,alot of people crowd around me.the counsellor said that i have culteral shock cause i refused to go to that school.but the people there were very nice.=)there are 4 bisexuals in my class..they are blacks,but they are friendly too.they asked me to be with them but i didnt..schools in america accept students whether that are pregnant,have tattoo,dyed hair,piercings that are noticable cause children MUST study.or else your parents will go to jail.its against the law.here you have alot of freedom in school.you wont get punished or canned for defiance or scolding the teacher.but i still prefer singapore lor...sighs

Signing off,
12/10/2006 05:28:00 PM