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Thursday, November 23, 2006

im gonna leave florida todae @ 4.30 n fly bck to NY....i luv everytin here manx...its nort cold here...NY shoo cold...i cant stand cold manx...i'll be frozen to death manx...l0lx i wil miz sophie,coco,boey,gigi,every1 here whu hve took care of me....thx loads manx..i wil oso miz der coker spaniel frm puppy palace!!!!shes shoo cute...n der husky n der goldies!!!!i luv dem loads manx....i wanna hve a puppy!!!!!or a monkey!!!!champanzee ish der bez!!!!!gugu sae i can cum durin summer...isnt tat fantastic???im goin to s'pore durin der summer holidaes too manx...w8in~mus hve gd grades hope i hve it..=)

Signing off,
11/23/2006 10:43:00 AM

im gonna leave florida todae @ 4.30 n fly bck to NY....i luv everytin here manx...its nort cold here...NY shoo cold...i cant stand cold manx...i'll be frozen to death manx...l0lx i wil miz sophie,coco,boey,gigi,every1 here whu hve took care of me....thx loads manx..i wil oso miz der coker spaniel frm puppy palace!!!!shes shoo cute...n der husky n der goldies!!!!i luv dem loads manx....i wanna hve a puppy!!!!!or a monkey!!!!champanzee ish der bez!!!!!gugu sae i can cum durin summer...isnt tat fantastic???im goin to s'pore durin der summer holidaes too manx...w8in~mus hve gd grades hope i hve it..=)

Signing off,
11/23/2006 10:43:00 AM

Sunday, November 19, 2006

ytd woke up 7+am tiz few daes wake up at tiz times cos sophie keep barkin...lolx,tink she smell sth...ytd went shoppin wif fong gugu,i walk v.kin ku,jus lke a handicap...ppl watchin mi lolx..bought 2 tees 4 ci en,2 shrt 4 cookie darx...hees hope dey lke it lorx...hmm nth to write ler

Signing off,
11/19/2006 09:01:00 AM

Saturday, November 18, 2006

der sunset i took...
mai shoes.........
mai leggies so damn disgustin

Signing off,
11/18/2006 09:14:00 AM

Friday, November 17, 2006

oh i fell dwn ytd while walkin sophie...right knee skin came off...left nort tat bad lorx..its pain nw lehx haish...hve to eat pain killer...lols den todae didnt follow gugu go work as i cant walk properly...even hve difficulties goin up der stairs,hope i can get well soon..

Signing off,
11/17/2006 10:54:00 AM

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

quite a number of daes liaox...hmm goin bck home on thankx giving day,nxt thursdae...wil definately miz tiz place.love it shoo much..=)bt i tink s'pore is stil der best ;) ytd went tuu der pool for tannin n swimmin,gugu brought mi thr,der pool is juz inside der community...im darker nw...yeahx tmr goin tuu der beach for tannin again.i wanna go dark dark!!!!countin dwn to der dae im goin bck to s'pore.bud uncle ted sae i mux 1st pass mai exams...stressed out..bud no matter wad i mux pass lorx..winks*i realli grew fat liaox...lolx...keep eatin non stop...ytd nite went tuu macaroni grill for dinner...a italian restaurent...der food was yucky...i had der chicken marsala...oh god it was damn salty manx...lolx,gugu's salmon wasnt fully cooked...eeewww should hve complain lorx...mai meimei gort bck their report card...ruby's result was better den crystals'...last time dey both were v.poor der bud cum bck US their results shoot up shoo fast..crystal's results used to be better den rubys...woos..their results were damn gd lorx...envious..hope i could do as well as dem lorx..gugu gonna get dem gameboi ds der gametap..i gort a cat handbag for crystal n a bear slingbag for ruby frm sanio...spent 40+ on it...nort tat expensive lorx...den gort maiself a adidas shoulder bag for sch lorx...actualli it cost 44.99 buden 50% 20+ oni shoo cheap lorx...i was tinkin y is mai meimei der name totalli different frm mi,mine shoo nort nice derx....loli asked mommi if i could buy a ceramic rebonded machine ytd,she said she wan to bring mi go buy cos she buy gort discount derx,i wan it tat can rebond n perm der hair..=))hees..haish...miz u guys,,,

Signing off,
11/15/2006 04:29:00 PM

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

ytd went tuu 2nd gugu's house,go thr played wif gigi der doggy,den wait for jackie tuu cum bck,she came bck at round 3+ after her sch,she brought me to der mall,we shopped n shopped non stop...i bought 2 skirts,1 is together wif a stockin...v.v.v.cheap der buy 1 get 1 free,den i buy 2 t-shrts,2 cotton shrts for winter,1 halter neck for $5...all v.cheap,we shopped until 7 lke tat den jackie's fren came,matthew,author n a black man dono wad name...didnt tok much wif dem...den 8+ we went to der cheesecake factory,thr jackie's other 3 frens came,dey r mike,jeanette n michelle...i ate dono wad nachos...dey ordered alot of things...der cheesecakes thr r v.famous bud its expensive...der bill came up $220+,its so expensive manx...lols...we reached jackie's home round 11pm den i slept at her place...den todae 10.30 went to c an eye doctor wif jackie,2nd gugu n 4th gugu,...after tat we went to eat thai food,der food der was ok it cost around 60+ lor,4th gugu bought mi to pedicure n do mai eyebrow...i didnt wan der pedicure bud gugu wans me to try it so i did,mines a dark pink...der lady was a vietniamis,first she wash mai feet,use a sponge n scrub dem,it was shoo itchy lols i keep laughin,den after der pedicure i did mai brows,another women mke it,she used wax.it was quite painful bud stil can tahan lorx..after tat went buy sum groceries...den went home...nw im all alone at home,gugu n gu zhang went to der bank,dey wil be bck soon...=) i miz u dear...haish luv u amos

Signing off,
11/07/2006 04:44:00 PM

Monday, November 06, 2006

hiiee,juz reached florida ytd evening at round 6++,4th n 2nd gugu picked mi up wif jackie mai cousin sister,2nd hugged mi n we tok in der car while shes driving to japanese shushin a restaurent to hve our dinner,mai gugus lke der food thr as well as mai cousin bud i dont lke it...dono y,after dinner its olmost 9+..went to 2nd gugu hs 4 a while den go 3rd gugu hs sit 4 a while.3rd gugu hve 2 dogs,v.cute after i buy batteries i go tke pics of dem den post....^^after go 3rd gugu hs i went to 4th gugu hs which is jus beside 3rd gugus hs to stay..gtg nw continued

Signing off,
11/06/2006 10:02:00 AM

Sunday, November 05, 2006

haish these few days no mood to blog,haish but after dear called n emailed me my mood came back.m i being too selfish??is it worth to w8 for me this stupid girl??think so im gonna start school next january..still havent yet chose my school,mommi wants me to choose it myself,whether if i wanna study in new jersey,florida or new york[dont know whats the name of it] studying for 2 years.sigh will i grow fat or changed into another person when i go back to s'pore??hope not,these few days no appetite,didnt eat alot.sobx,today went to aunt's bridal store to help out and look around.in my whole entire life,this is the first time i've ever seen so many wedding gowns.they are so,beautiful,gorgeous.there are quite a number of customers.aunt is too busy so i helped the customer to take the gowns she wanted.she wore them,it's so nice n CHEAP =) but its in US dollars.yesterday went to applebees's for our dinner,there was me,mai 2 twins sisters ruby and crystal,my cousin sister rachel,cousin brother bryan aunt and uncle.i had chicken blablabla...dont know what that was.the food there is v.good n the bill is v.good too $111.60 oh god.so expensive manx...lolx,i may look cheerful and happy on d outside,but inside mi,im really v.sad,my harts hurts so much each single day,dont know why.u guys just remember kay??i luv u guys no matter what happens,7 of u..n my dear laogong amos,i'll luv u even you are not here with me,i will study hard to let those bitches and bastard regret what they have done to me...hope u'll wait for me...luv u olwais mwarkies

Signing off,
11/05/2006 01:12:00 AM

Thursday, November 02, 2006

quite a few daes nvr blog olreadi,nw feelin xtremeli down,full of regrets,shouldnt hve cum ta US...nw i cant go bck FARK U...idiot uncle knn go check mai tings when im away,he found out bout dear n go exaggerate tings up tuu mai mom,mommi didnt fan dui mi n him bud nw uncle don1 mi tuu go bck s'pore cos he wan2 separate us up=[..i don1 tuu stay here!!!!mommi saes here hve everytin i wanted,freedom n lots more...bud i care,i've been in s'pore since im 7 n nw u wan mi tuu leave everytin behind n start a new world??i hate u guys!!!dont care mai feelins hw could u...freak asses!!nw mommi noes bout mi n dear,she let bud oso no use canot c him...=(damn farkin sadx cry cry cry bud any use??i miz everytin in s'pore badly...ci en!!!luv her shoo much,1st time im leavin her for such a long time...shes cryin tuu...v.seldom she cries,haish...miz 7 darlins tuu...luv u guys..luv dear,i swear i wont luv other guys...i luv him truely,i sweared tat i wil luv him 4eva n i wil keep mai promise...!!!

Signing off,
11/02/2006 09:21:00 PM