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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

lols...haiz shoo sian nw f&n in lab 2...house laptop stil hven okay...lols...canot use ler..t,r our 1st paper ler...ss n eng paper...i canot concentrate leh..hw??wat if i fail??lols...retain n i'll die oppsy...my hand v.pain leh...hai mei you hao...my blog dono y hve 2 tagboards....lols...hmm went cousellin on tuesdae...haiz..der teacher v.gd...=))hees...went straightenin ytd...lols...temporally der use der machine tuu mke...dono if its nice anot...

Signing off,
9/27/2006 08:21:00 PM

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

mee wiif spects

sta...ur frienster foto is ful liao...i onli upload 1 onli...e 1 u nv wear spects wif yelo watch de...if u can play com...go delete sm of e foto tt u dun wan de...posted by joanne

Signing off,
9/26/2006 07:22:00 AM

Monday, September 25, 2006

few daes nvr post ler...laptop spoil liao....sotsot der...now in sch english lesson mrs koh brought us here tuu do tutorials...hees haiz laptop spoil liao cant use ler....shoo sad...exams r cumin,mus study hard ler...hmm ytd der tings mommy sent reached here....lols...der bitch nvr go work...she find sumtin tuu quarrel wif mii again lor n start tuu hit mii...fark lar...i hit her bck again push her away....she pulled mai hair sia...den left red marks on mai arm...freak lar...bloody hell!!!fark off lar hate her!!!miz mai deardear hees

Signing off,
9/25/2006 08:14:00 PM

Saturday, September 23, 2006

2 daes nvr blog ler...laptop wireless tingy gort problem...lols..lata goin out wif deardear den go library find huishi dey all...dono if dey r thr anort lor...hees todae shoo hot sia...bua tahan leh...perspire lke mad...bt lata go out wear long sleeve coz no shrt tuu wear liao..lols

Signing off,
9/23/2006 12:33:00 AM

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

juz came bck frm gek poh went thr eat n buy sth...go mac n eat..walau gort pervert sia spotted by huishi...a guy in his mid 30s bah tke his hp dono shoot wad sittin sum whr infront of mi n maine...den we toktoktok den i tink he suspect tt we're saein him den he move seats tuu corner frm huishi thr can c him...den dey tke bag cover lor...den we faster eat den leave der place...when we go down round 1 min+ tt man oso cum down...huishi saw his hp on camara mode...n saw sumtin movin...tink so its video...si pervert...hes such an ass den he walked tuu arcade thr...i n maine go thr c if he's thr...walk half way saw him cum out walk tuu a newly opened leg massage shop hlp ppl massage...i tink der customer waited for him v.long ler cos he's sittin thr...yucks si bian tai...now whr he work liao...scary sia...todae is me n deardear 4th month anniversary ler....sadx cant meet up coz no time...wan cry liao lar...haiz..=(mayb celebrate on sat bah...sat is der dae im goin out coz exam nxt fridae liao...muz study..=]hope i could pass well...sorri dear,cant meet u todae...iim realli sorri...=((HAPPI 4TH MONTH!!!LUV YA 4EVA....hairi juz nw wish me happi 4th month...hees thx...hve a surprise for deardear,bud dono whether he lke it anort...hope he does...mai blog gort problem sia sadx

Signing off,
9/19/2006 03:33:00 AM

Monday, September 18, 2006

todae 3 on 3...nvr play..i n jo go gek poh buy sumtin..lols...den go bck tuu sch..6++ reach hm..reach hm stil hve tuu face tt bitch...nagnag none stop,sae i go play until shoo late...i go play meh??dono don anyhow sae fark off she keep pickin on mi...idiot den keep askin mi tuu do der chores den i tok bck tuu her'u tink im ur maid ar?'den she sae yes....FARK LAR CHOU SAN BA...nvm i ren..den after washin der dishes,went tuu vacuum...vacuum her bloody room...she sae nort clean..vacuum again....asshole lar..i gort alot of time is it??bitch!!!!hw i wish i could stab her tuu death..im realli goin tuu get mad v.v.soon..tt bloody bitch keep findin tings tuu quarrel,if i win she bu shuang den beat me liao..she hit mai hand alot of times,den i hit her bck,gort wrong mah??she kicked mai legs i kicked bck gort wrong mah??nort tt i don1 tuu respect her,she didnt respect at der 1st place...when i got scolded,she will smile...lke mad lke tt...enjoyed seein ppl gettin scolded...thr muz be sumtin realli wrong wif her...walau wehCB lar...u force mi tuu hit u bck der lor...nort i wan tuu hit u,sum more i hit light light oni didnt use mai strength coz i scared lata injured u...den nin na bei cao chi bai leh...olwaiis pinch pinch pinch mi until blue black...si biased...olwais sae mai mom,wan sae sae mi don sae mai mom...mai mom isnt lke u farkin bitch,if she buys tings for mi,she'll buy for ur daughter n son der lor...kau bei sum more buy tonics for u lor hw dare u sae mai mom,she offence u ar...if u wan tuu sae,sae it infront of her don sae it infront of mi..don tink u older den mi im afraid of u slut..realli v.stress nowadaes...hamham leg injured,hs gort a freakin bloody slut...sum times i realli wish i could die,bud gort deardear n 7 of dem...haiz...luv dem all...sry i keep scoldin vulgarites hope u all wil understand

Signing off,
9/18/2006 09:46:00 AM

Sunday, September 17, 2006

hmm..sianz...todae wong came to mai hs n went home @ round 4 lor she cum n do f&n der recipe...lols..shoo sian n tired todae mus early slp todae liao...i juz get der chance tuu use der laptop..juz now cousin use..hmm guys prefer gals whu get jealous easily or nort easily better??i oso dono tts y im askin now...sianzz tmr hve 3 0n 3...tink im nort playin cos i shoo lan lata lose liao is i hai 1...haiz..

Signing off,
9/17/2006 08:02:00 AM

Saturday, September 16, 2006

came bck b4 8..yeah sit taxi $7+ frm jurong tang tuu mai hs here...i n wong sit..deardear stayed @ jurong tang cos go meet his frens..taxi fee oso deardear pay der...lols..i had gr8 fun todae went tuu jurong east entertainment centre..buden nvr tke neoprint=(( hope nxt sat can tke bah...=D after tt go jurong point long john eat...(^00^)*after tt go library borrow der tuupid recipe book den go bck jurong point walkwalk...shoo bo liao hor??^_______________________^nxt tue is our 4th month anniversary liao..realli realli realli scared no time go celebrate cos tue gort maths remedial...sadx..den mon hve bb 3 on 3...i was tinkin if im nort playin den go meet deardear lor...wed oso canot cos got CCA haiz...=(( den last hope...saturdae lor...buden wil it be v.belated??hope sat i can go celebrate wif him lor den b4 i go meet him i go buy present...canot sae wad i wan2 buy cos lata he read mai blog wil noe...kees..=))iim damn happi todae sia..tink i wil smile when i slp...lols...siaox kakaxx...ya mai shrt keep fallin down tuu mai shoulder todae...i wore a long sleeve shrt...inside hve another racer bck der der 1 i wore durin der drama nite[der 1st dae i noe deardear]hees...if nxt week go out dono wan pierce ear anort...wish tuu buden scared sia...gort kong ju gan...= n waste$$ if infection...mus savesavesave for dear's present...

Signing off,
9/16/2006 08:53:00 AM

lata goin out wif wong n deardear...hve tuu go tuu der library i don1 tuu go...buden no choice hve tuu find der tuupid f&n recipes!!!!arggggggg bud nvm gort deardear n wong...hees wong oso hve tuu find der recipes...cousework 60% sehs...teacher havent send me der tings...lols...hmm stil gort 1 hr+ bah..stil need tuu bath,eat,pack tings...lols~~ytd watch arts central @ 10pm bout UFOs n aliens..v.nice leh...=Dhees..mi on pone wif mai meimei hmm dono wad time m i cumin bck if i cum home gort time den post again lor...buaix

Signing off,
9/16/2006 12:09:00 AM

Friday, September 15, 2006

todae the bb match is postpone tuu nxt mon...rained again..toopid weather....olwaiis lke tt der...=after sch deardear gort cum den 1+ go cos i hve maths remedial..lols..until 3+ den actually hve tuu call deardear der buden lke v.late ler den nvr call him...im sorri..=(walau leh now alot of ppl call mi BAMBOO LEG idiots lar...mai leg realli lke bamboo meh??gort fats der lor...all fats..lols.. mai face gort transparent pimples leh...cant be seen bt i accidentally scratched it..pain now lor..ytd fnN gort relief teacher...he came n tok tuu us...our class all gals...lols den he sae bout his personal life n ours..he said tt when 2 persons is tugether for a v.long period of time...they tend tuu get bored of their steads.den he said tt he had a fren who wad wif his gf for 7 yrs bt at last stil broke up cos dey didnt quarrel[juz lke deardear n mi]lols...den mai teacher said tt a relationship wont last TT long tt we thought,den he isnt tt serious in his relationship...n if a couple olwaiis meet,dey wil get bored faster..if dey dont meet tuu often,dey wil treasure their time together[juz lke mai cousin whu is in aust]i tink tts true buden the other 1 dono lor...hmm...is thr realli a nvr endin relationship??

Signing off,
9/15/2006 07:10:00 AM

Thursday, September 14, 2006

hmm juz cum bck nort long ago...gort bb match...at first dey sae no more der den hve lor lols...hees i nvr play...woo...mai team n huishi team won...tmr hve tuu play again...i tink semi lar...hees...lols ytd im v.touched...jo cry for mi hees...lols..soo gan-ren dots...mai bestie...=))hees...mai legs v.long meh??n i olwais tiao ppl ar??juz nw sit @ canteen,laodi n frens cum n sit wif us...den der lester sae i olwais tiao him lols...haas der way he speak v.funny sia...den kenneth dey all tease ah yi..shoo bad seh...haas...todae der weather nort pretty rainrainrain...lols...

Signing off,
9/14/2006 06:21:00 AM

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

todae nort v.happi...haiz..tuupid ham ji,idiots..buden canot sae..yi n xia @ mai hs...lata go play bb..celebrate maine's birfdae...nw rainin...haiz..everytime when im goin out,it starts tuu rain fuck lar....idiot knn ccb...todae mai mood nort pretty sorri leh...

Signing off,
9/13/2006 04:05:00 AM

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

hees..oni mi n maine nvr show our teeths =D
lols mai skin tone change ler hor shoo black liao =x
maine's face nort clear tiz pic blurblur der...
8 of us hvin fun tkin pics...=))frenz4life smoochies
our own type of star ***starstar
our sunflower yeahs woo dono which 1's mai leg
our pics nice??
juz cum bck nort long ago went tuu kfc wiib 7 of dem...=))tmr dardar maine's bd,gort surprise for her hees=))hmm shoo sian den tmr go meet deardear =D todae hor the toopid bah geh vented his anger on mi,wtf wad i do toopid u lar..idiot!!!hate ppl shout @ mi..knn,cb...angry sia..don wanna tok bout him liao it mkes mai fire boil..=/hmm todae MT no teacher again...free period den we toktok n tke pics lo..siansian leh...nw shi,min,yi,xia n ger go jp buy present den cum mai blk downstair tok lo...w8in for their call lets w8 w8 n w8...wonderin wad deardear is doin now...lols..^^hees..hmm...sianx...im bloated man..goin tuu gain weight again lo den becum da fei zhu...=)) mizin him...

Signing off,
9/12/2006 04:07:00 AM

Monday, September 11, 2006

hees juz came home...shoo tired..jojo beside mi,she eatin twisties[tomato flavour]hees..todae PE play soft ball...need tuu wear the bigbig gloves...wetwet one der...eee eee ar...den jojo wan vomit..nort feelin well den she stand @ a corner...i hlp her 'dang tai yang'hees c i shoo gd...=))den pei her go drink water cooler...=>..MT teacher nvr cum,i hlp jojo copy corrections..mdm zhen tell us tuu copy der..den 8 of us take pic..hees w8 for ah yi tuu send mi den i upload lor =)) hmm...yah n hoe todae after mornin assembly,caught by mr jana,ah xia oso gort caught for nort tuckin in t-shrt...lols...paiseh sia..hees...hmm heard tt 3 on 3 bb match we don need tuu play ler cos nort enuff team...=))lols buden we train for nth...= nvm mayb go c lor...=))lols...miz him=))

Signing off,
9/11/2006 03:29:00 AM

Sunday, September 10, 2006

arh...todae woke up @ 9.30 lke tt...aunt lar woke up tuu ask mi sth...den she left fer work..den i cant slp liao...momy called todae again...meimeis r fightin over the laptop...lols..shoo huai dan der..buden momy sae when move house den buy another laptop fer dem lor...hmm tmr momy's birfdae...=D...lata send a e-card fer her...=))hees its gonna rain soon i tink..hab thunder boom boom boom sound...=))ah yi's bloggy hab poto @ der corner of der blog...shoo nice...i wan it tuu buden don hab potos of maiself der...tell ah yi tuu hlp mi lo..hmm maine's birfdae cumin we're stil plannin...dono when's the 3 on 3 bb match...im der reserve..xi wang i wont be playin...mus jia you orh..hees...i die liao lar,haven do finish hw...i hate hw!!!can sumbodi hlp mi??lols...i was juz tinkin if 8 of us der frenship wil last..how i wish we can luv each other for whu dey r n accept dem...im learnin tuu accept n luv 8 of dem for whu dey r[tats wad frens r for]...luv dem loads..mus realli cherish wad we hve now...cos its tuu late for us tuu regret wad we've done..cherish..realli hope tat our frenship will last =))...may god bless dem..n nort 4gettin mai deardear...

Signing off,
9/10/2006 04:14:00 AM

Saturday, September 09, 2006

todae momy called...hees...den chat wif mai 2 twin meimeis on pone n in msn...shoo shuang hees...they slp at 2am++ their time...tmr they're goin to hve dinner at sum sort of high class restaurent tuu celebrate mai momy's birfdae...[shoo sad i cant go] they're celebratin it early,momy's birfdae falls on 11/9...bud in US their dates r written lke tiz 9/11 dono y...hmm u noe wad tiz dae is hor??lols..hmm....den 24/9 is mai 2 meimeis birfdae liao...momy cfm buy alot of tings 4 them ler..they're goin tuu hve their braces n contact lenses on pretty soon...=)) momy doent want them to wear specs[afraid tt their eyeballs wil pop out,sum sort of it] so contact lenses lor..meimei sae tt the gals in their sch v.qiao der...hees...v.bad...shoo canot mix wif dem lor...hees...2dae nvr go out...v.guai hor...=)) miz deardear sehx...changed mai blogskin...took a long time tuu find it...nice marh??hmm...momy's gonna deliver sum stuff for mi nxt mon or tue..clothes,swits n many more...=D yumyum...

Signing off,
9/09/2006 04:15:00 AM

Friday, September 08, 2006

hees i juz came bck...went tuu play bb wif shi,min,yi n ger...shoo fun...=D...actually go meet deardear der budden he g0rt sth 0n shoo nvr meet l0r...nvm...=X...juz came bck n0rt long ag0...shoo sweaty mus go bombom lia0...im drunk ler...juz nw uncle let me hve sum achor beer..shoo nice...mai uncle sae im lke mai mom,no matter how much we drink,we wont get drunk der...hees...lke tt gd mah...ppl wont tke advantage 0f mii...bud drink tuu mucu n0t gd..lata addicted den or hor lia0...hees...mai face began tuu turn red lia0...shoo warm...hees...=))miz deardear narh....hees..hmm i g0 bath ler...say0nara..

Signing off,
9/08/2006 09:02:00 AM

Thursday, September 07, 2006

todae woke up at 8++ by the toopid pone...ring lke mad...lols...den went bck to slp at around 12+ lor...juz woke up not long...hees i was juz tinkin...if realli she stead wif him...will she get hurt??im realli afraid she will get hurt...she g0rt hurt once...i don wish she will get hurt the second time...she's my bestiie...whu would wan her bestiie tuu get hurt??haiz i dono lor...bt if she realli wan tuu wif him den i hve no choice....her choice...her freedom tuu be wif the 1 she loved..hope she wont get hurt tiz time...=))...muackies...

Signing off,
9/07/2006 03:05:00 AM

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

todae went to meet deardear,when i went down,saw jo...shoo qiao..hees...budden deardear w8in 4 mii shoo nvr tok much wif her lor..gve her a flyin kiz muackies den go liao...hees...she wore a blue t-shrt..i oso hve 1..bud mine purple 1...hees...went home around 7...v.tired ar...=D...my blog finally hab a tagboard n song liao...=))yuppys...hmm tmr post bah...buaiiX2

Signing off,
9/06/2006 09:36:00 AM

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

hees yeah..changed bck my blog skin..tried tuu find a skin which hve 'past' der budden cant sia..den change bck tuu tis one lor..todae woke exactly at 10am..hmm....ytd went to play basketbal wif huishi,huimin,my cousin,her fren n fren's bro...i nvr play yeah...cos i dono hw tuu play...shoo toopid hor...deardear team wif huishi huimin..they won...bt dono wads their scores...i should hve counted dem bt didnt hees...after tt huishi huimin went hm around 8...den go walkwalk wif dear...hees..when go hm saw sharon n joanne...hees...den toktok den go hm lor..tmr meetin deardear again..=D hees...yuppys..den go play basketbal wif dem again lor..=X

I've been looking for you
For all my life
My life was meaningless
Untill the day I found you
I find myself more complete
Each day of my life
You brighten up my life
Its you I found my home
Longing for you I want to hold
To warm you when you're cold
To keep you safe from harm
Safe within my arms
The rest of time I'll spend
Beside you till the end
So please stay with me
And never let go
As I wil show you
how happy we should be
With you in my life
As I am yours and you are mine

deardear edit der 4 mii...hees..=))

Signing off,
9/05/2006 03:51:00 AM

Monday, September 04, 2006

hees..today maths remedial i nvr listen to wad ms ong's saying...hehes..hmm lata goin meet dardar n den go play bb wif huishi they all..yeah~~siansianz...

Signing off,
9/04/2006 04:39:00 AM

Sunday, September 03, 2006

todae woke up at around 11+..hmm...pig hor??lol...den afternoon cleaned up hamham's cage n bath them...nort chouchou liao..=>...hees tmr stil hve maths remedial...9-11am...mus wake early liao lor...siansian...my bloggy stil don hve tag board leh...jojo gonna hlp me put..she soo gd..muackies...my bestiie mah...=))..

Signing off,
9/03/2006 08:55:00 AM

Saturday, September 02, 2006

todae nth 2 do shoo made a blog,mai own der..n 1 more blog of 8 of us..i onli put blogskin bud havent edit lor..jo sae she free go mke...(: shoo sian...im learnin hw 2 put stuff in mai blog..tryin..:) hees..hmm i go edit tings ler buaix

Signing off,
9/02/2006 02:43:00 AM